Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Bacteria that retain the purple stain ...

"Classified by color grams. This process, which determines many things R resistance to antibiotics, with one hand. It is also one of the first things scientists are doing when trying to identify unknown bacteria. It includes a painting of a group of bacteria with four different liquids. First, crystal violet added. Then itHs painted with iodine, and finally safranina. It then passes through the alcohol wash. Bacteria that retain the purple stain of crystal violet are gram-positive and those who take on the pink spots on safranina are Gram-negative. "

plasmid in bacteria

"This is the outside layer of cells R gram-positive bacteria a thick layer of peptidoglycan, which absorbs grams. Gram-negative bacteria strattera dosing a thick lipid layer on the outside, which is selectively permeable P not everyone can go through it, and one of those things grams. Gram-positive bacteria (as it can go through it easily) is much more sensitive to antibiotics than gram-negative bacteria. "(

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